We all know that sedentary lifestyles and desk jobs can make people fat. But, is this lifestyle something that we can modify and increase our chances of staying slim?
When I started my first desk job, within a few weeks, I noticed a change in my physique. The busier I got, the less time I had for exercise and the more sedentary I became.
My calorie level stayed about the same and I realized I gained a pound or two. A small weight fluctuation isn't such a big deal, but over the course of a year or five years, that could result in major weight gain.
Schedule your exercise. If you don't plan it into your day, it won't get done. Other things will begin to seem more important and will become your new habit and routine if exercise is not scheduled in. Make a plan to exercise everyday or choose the two most hectic days of your week as your days off. Exercise close to home or work. The less you have to travel, the more likely you will be able to exercise. Try walking around your neighborhood or do a home exercise DVD. Jump rope in your basement or find a hill nearby to walk up and down. If you belong to a gym, make sure it is within a five minute drive and is open when you want to exercise.Every little bit counts. Even if you can only fit in 15 to 20 minutes, any exercise is better than nothing. The goal is to try to break a sweat everyday. Park your car far away from your job. Walk up and down the stairs at work or take five minute walking breaks whenever you can as blood flow increases productivity after all.Bring your lunch. It is likely your total calorie burn will be less while working a desk job, so you will need to eat lower calorie lunches and snacks. Bringing a lunch is one of the best ways to control your calorie intake. Remember to focus on fruits and veggies for your meals and snacks.Do you have a desk job? If so, how have you learned to stay fit and healthy despite all the hours spent sitting?