The best way to benefit from weight loss and exercise is to make it simple. When you make small, regular changes, they will actually add up to much more serious weight loss improvement than what you would achieve by making too many changes at once. There are a wide variety of healthy workouts that you can achieve without a lot of time, space or equipment. The following workout is designed to provide you with an excellent basic workout that you can achieve outside without requiring any equipment. This means that you can rely on your own body for resistance and will be able to do this workout no matter where you are.
All that you are going to need in order to achieve the requirements for this particular brand of workout is a stop watch, enough space to execute the exercises properly, and your own body since your body is the only thing necessary for the creation of resistance. What you should be doing here is attempting to race the clock to see just how fast you can finish the exercise sequence. You should be using a full range of motion and you should never sacrifice good form for the purpose of speed with each of these movements. Simply get the stop watch started and get ready to go!
0 - Warm Up with a light walk or jog,
1 - Begin with a ½ mile run,
2 - Transition into squats or chair-squats, completing a total of 30,
3 - Transition into push-ups or bent-knee push-ups, completing a total of 20,
4 - Transition into sit-ups, completing a total of 30,
5 - Transition into a ¼ mile run,
6 - Transition into squats or chair-squats, completing a total of 60,
7 - Transition into push-ups or bent-knee push-ups, completing a total of 20,
8 - Transition into sit-ups, completing a total of 60,
9 - Transition into a ½ mile run,
10 - Transition into squats or chair-squats, completing a total of 30,
11 - Transition into push-ups or bent-knee push-ups, completing a total of 20,
12 - Transition into sit-ups, completing a total of 30,
13 - Cool Down with a stretch and a light cool down walk or jog.
You should be scaling this workout to suit both your fitness level and your ability level. Shorten the runs or even cut down on the exercise numbers by a third or a half as needed to prevent yourself from overdoing anything. If you have problems performing any of these exercises, try to substitute in another exercise to suit your needs. Make sure that you are not overdoing it with this workout, otherwise you may end up hurting yourself without doing yourself any good.
Despite its simplicity, this is a challenging workout capable of testing your physical limits and keeping you in good shape. This workout, when combined with a healthy diet will completely revolutionize how you lose weight and get healthy.
Photo credits: Thomas Hawk
Originally posted 2009-09-07 03:58:30. Republished by Blog Post Promoter Related Posts Related Websites Online Stores If you liked this article, vote for it on and stumbleupon.