Walk into any fitness gym and you will find it filled with single people. Yes, they'll be some married girls and guys and those in relationships, but take a poll and singles will outnumber the others. When you are single, the motivation is high to look good which places a priority on exercising and healthy eating. The name of the game is sex appeal and being physically attractive.
Then comes marriage or perhaps a committed relationship and priorities begin to shift. For the male perspective, I interviewed several men from ages 24-54, working in all levels of employment, from auto technician to vice president of an international company. Every one of them had a similar response to why we gain weight after being in a relationship- getting comfortable. Men and women lose the intense motivation to look good for the opposite sex when they are happily in a relationship. As one guy stated, "I'm not in the market anymore, so I'm more relaxed and not so concerned about the physical part." Married or cohabiting people tend to become more sedentary than their single dating peers and settle into a routine.
Since gaining weight also comes from a tendency to pick up your spouse's eating habits, the benefit of losing weight together is eating the same healthy food and supporting one another. It's well known that the buddy system is an effective weight loss technique, but having your buddy live in the same house and eat the same food increases your chances. Encouragement and compliments from your partner is a big motivator!
Extra weight can leave you with less energy and less enthusiasm. For some, especially women, not feeling as attractive can affect your sexual relationship. As couples work together to lose weight, renewed vitality, improved energy and body image kick start the sexual desire and passion. Now that's motivation!
Creating a weight loss plan as a couple increases the chances of sticking to it and being successful. Here are some tips to jump start you on your way:
1) Schedule regular fun fitness dates. Plan a hike, filling a backpack with fruit, low-fat cheese, whole grain crackers and plenty of water. At the end of the hike, have a picnic.
2) Make eating a shared and enjoyable time. Shop together for healthy foods; plan fun, healthy menus; try out new recipes; cook together.
3) Exercise together. Even if you don't want to go to the gym together, take a long, brisk walk together or ride bikes. Or for the more daring couple, take a zumba class together, a major calorie burner!
Have fun and enjoy your new healthy lifestyle together!